The generative artificial intelligence that has been developing is in production production in the last 6 months It is some of the most powerful software ever released.
It is so powerful, and novel, that there are no laws to govern it well at this time. There are real older laws laws like truth, advertising and fraud laws, but I don’t think they cover ChatGPT and things like it and government and regulatory bodies don’t know how to enforce the laws with the new capabilities. Companies are also avoiding regulations to maximize both innovative and profit because of capitalism and competition.
Unexpected capabilities have emerged in the development of generative pre-trained transformers, a new form of AI that mimics the operation of the human brain and imitates human speech and conversation. It can also translate anything to anything, which is a substructure to how the brain works and develops. It’s how we learn new languages. In some senses language is always partly translation. Fundamentally we use language to translate our observed works into other realities.
It has broad, major capabilities, some of which are still emerging and unknown. It seems very generalized as well.
It is clear that some of the capabilities are superhuman in nature. A number of analysts including Goldman Sachs have determined that there is going to be a massive impact on white collar jobs, blue collar jobs. They have predicted over 300M jobs losses from applications of GAI.
Given that in the free market, our corporations are motivated by profit seeking activities, machines that can write, check things, act on new information at low cost will be used instead of humans. I these people are going to lose their jobs as companies reorganize to adopt new tools, processes and integrations. Our companies will grow without staffing... So called jobless recoveries will evolve to jobless growth, and billions will be earned by companies who adopt fastest, safely.
It’s only one impact, but it’s a big one. As companies grow, and reduce workers, unemployment will rise until unemployed workers become a problem. In societies where youth unemployment rises to higher percentages, societies and systems become unstable and political forces can cause governments to be deposed.
What can be done? Since unemployment is an externality of a profitable AI company, It makes sense that the company be taxed and the wealth be shared to retrain workers or support them with shared income. Other adverse effects can result from powerful generative technology. There are things like:
- Risky errors
- Misdiagnosis
- Misinformation
- Disinformation
- Fraud, Cons, Ponzi Scams
- Misrepresentation
- Impersonation
- Plagiarism
- Academic misconduct
- Identify theft
- False Advertising
- Defamation, Liable
- Invasion of privacy
- Computer Hackng
- Hate Crimes
- Mischief
As you can see, these crimes that misdemeanors are not new. They’re will be easier to do at massive, industrial scale using new generative technology and automation.
It’s clear that the profits are to be had private international companies. If history is an indicator, they will try to create attention and manipulate the public to buy the new services and products generated.
This is a worrisome shift, the current generation of 20 to 80-year-olds on the planet will be impacted in some way shape or form.
Governments and regulatory bodies have to step in. The public has to demand it. WE have to be protected from the power of corporations and large families running these machines. These look like basic human rights but they’re more serious now than they ever have been before in history. Now these new massive powers can be can be used to subjugate, control and opress people.
It’s time for people to speak out and demand for the following.
- The right to privacy
- The right to expunge errors based on your real information.
- The right education, and compensation, if their job has been displaced by automation.
- The freedom of speech. To be able to debate with applications of AI individually and with a free press.
- The right to transparency. To always know when AI is in an interaction with you.
- The right to correction and forgetting. Humans have to have the right to have their information corrected if generated incorrectly and to be forgotten if that is the desire of the human and the community is served.
Steps have to be in place for any malfeasance of company against humans. It has to be a crime if AI is unec in any of the methods described above.
This isn’t a time for a petition. This is the time for policy and regulation to be written and passed to license businesses in the use of AI and for 3rd parties to assess its risks and safety.
Call to action
- Create a licensing mechanism for all AI companies, similar to how radio badwith his managed along with simar food and drug regulations.
- Create international safety standards, to test all new algorithms and in their operation across time. This will demand inspections similar to how we inspect nuclear facilities today.
- Create common definitions of misuse of AI and abuse of people with AI these definitions should be agreed upon by treaties and active bond by all international courts and national courts.
- Study the possibility of addiction to AI and report back to government in the next 7 months.
-Immediately have all LLM’s disclose their training data sets.
-Immediately review all attention mechanisms in social media applications to ensure that They are not used in business or other applications.
We are at the cusp of large change in humanity based on innovation and hardware and software. It has been 50 years in coming and we’re still not ready. It will take international changes in laws given its impact on billions of people.
We need to ask the government to create these policies and tax these companies that cover delivery of software the free market.