Bread is survival. Bread is comfort and warmth. Bread smells like memory. Bread means you have fire, salt, yeast, and wheat and tools. You must have agriculture and a market. And trade because you can’t do everything on your own. You are near a village that can gather and take care of you family’s needs and, maybe you’re in a town or neighborhood in a big city. Maybe there’s an expert french baker in Toronto with a supply chain that they designed and it still works and that have commerce that works.
Maybe it is open because it is an essential service. Believe you me, I sincerely believe access to bread is an essential service and a right to life. Believe you me it it important to me and my family. To us. Maybe I can think things up, things and make relationships and sell things and maybe I make money with my expertise and tools. And then I could pay the desk clerk who is paid by the baker, whole pays the grocery store for salt and yeast and pays the market who pays the farmer who pays the coop and the insurance broker to ensure his supply... To feed us. It takes a village. This is all the truth today.
Supply chains are important. Really important, in emergency. I thank my bakery and all at the bakery on Mount Pleasant for making this dream come true. My story here is to teach a bit on how we are connected. And because bread is life and bread is survival. Don’t you agree?
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