The Grey Swan Guild is collecting your points of view related to COVID19.
Safety, Health, Operations, Regulation, Law and Economy have been affected around the globe. We can see the effects of Covid19 from space in the lack of airplanes and the endemic lack of pollution
Wars have been stopped. Work is stopped. Learning is stopped. Leisure is stopped. Time has slowed.
World record unemployment. Millions out of work, and yet supply chains are running.
Hundreds of thousands are dead, and yet millions have recovered from the virus.
Hospitals in major cities have filled while others stand at the ready and all other surgeries and treatments are postponed.
In the G20, the riches countries in the world have had their economies shackles as citizens are kept in houses and apartments an parks and restaurants are closed.
Trillions of dollars have been set aside for stimulus spending, and since 9/11, nothing has transfixed the worlds like this pandemic. Across January, February, March, April and May, the virus has burned around the world, knocking each city and region over, or seizing each neighbourhood and long term care facility by the throat. COVID19 and the pandemic were predictable, so this is not 9/11 and it is not a Talebian Black Swan. That debate is over.
It is a Grey Swan economic event. Something long predicted and has had massive, surprising, multiplicative impacts on everyone in the world.
The Grey Swan Guild has joined to gather like-minded analysts, writers, experts, consultants, and futurists together to make sense of the largest disaster in human history that is still rumbling.
What is a Point of View? It is your reflection of an aspect of COVID19 Response. They can be at a local or global level. It is a consideration of the challenges, the processing of the realities of short term and long term changes as well as cascading near term and next normal ways of life. 500 words of what coming in the next month’s and year because it is not over yet.
Here are 3 examples of points of view. Please share yours with the world in the open-source collection we are gathering because we are all in this together. It is what citizens do.
The ugly side of politics the media, including ignorant celebrities and influencers, has been stripped bare by the Covid-19. Our own ugly side as humans has too. But instead of taking the time to reflect and question ourselves what we have done wrong and how we can redesign and build a better world, we have been slowly pushed into a race of scenario, projection and diagnosis reading, webinar after webinar we believe we are going to find the key to reactivate the economy as it was, to get things back to “normal”. Ignorance and poverty are growing at all levels, and the one solution that can truly change the game has been put back into a politically expedient drawer by politicians and mainstream media. Unless we address our relationship with Nature and align our economic and production ethos to it, we are going to experience much worse, deeper and fatal catastrophes very soon ~ A. Gomez , Mexico
POV #2
At this point, the Coronavirus pandemic has taken thousands of lives and cost trillions of dollars. We didn’t get here by accident. Our present situation is the result of choices that we made. We put our faith in technology, globalization and markets and each has failed us. We’ve become a global village, with all the petty animosities that village life can inspire, but a true global community has yet to emerge. It’s time to ask ourselves some hard questions. The period between 1920 and 1970 was undoubtedly the most successful in human history. Productivity and incomes increased like never before. After two horrific world wars, we built a peaceful global order. We learned to cure disease and feed the world. Looking back at the past 50 years however, it’s hard to see how significant progress has been made (at least in so-called developed countries). Productivity growth has been sluggish. Incomes for most people have not grown. Climate change threatens the planet and the global order has fallen apart. Mental health has declined precipitously as depression and anxiety have risen to epidemic levels. We need to see the pandemic in the context of our larger failures. If it wasn’t a COVID-19, it would have been something else—a computer virus, a terror attack, a climate event… something. So I think the best way forward is to ask some basic questions: How did we get here? Why did we make the choices that got us here? (assuming those choices were made in good faith). What was the basis for making those choices? What are the future crises we face? Where are the time bombs ticking. What have we learned and what can form the basis for a better approach moving forward? How can we build more resiliency into the system? It is only by asking ourselves basic questions that we can start to build a consensus on a path forward ~ G. Satell, USA, May 2020
POV #3
Covid19 and the pandemic of fear and shuttering ofneconomies is coalescing the required conditions for revolution.
Cash is king. Always was. Always will be. The charlatans will finally be exposed — or propped up by governments.
There will be a recognition that UBI and Universal Healthcare are good things.
I don’t think Twitter is important.
My top five concerns are: Family welfare (mine), client welfare, societal welfare, personal service/contribution ~ M. Tobias, Canada , May 2020
The Grey Swan Guild is a global confederacy of people virtually gathering together and creating ideas and actions for the betterment of humanity. It is a virtual think tank designed with intention.
We are gathering POVs and disseminating them any way we can. Join us.
Here’s the survey to record your POV that The Grey Swan Guild will collate and publish to the public domain with your attribution. #creativecommons
Join us. ~ rvt